Well… this is awkward. I feel like I’m reaching out to an old friend who I haven’t talked to for like a whole year lol. Sorry I’ve abandoned this blog for so long; I mentioned in my last post that having a full-time job was taking up most of my time. I guess that leads... Continue Reading →

My Favorite CDs In My Collection! + Update

Surprise! Yes, this blog is still alive lol. Things have been really crazy over the past few months, so much so that when I stop to think about it my head starts spinning. This year, I started working full-time as a staff writer for Inked Magazine, and during this time, I’ve been able to interview... Continue Reading →

The Resilience of CAPRISONGS

When your heart breaks, everything in your view becomes distorted; life’s most meaningful passions start to feel purely absurd, and the gravitational pull to boundless isolation becomes ever so enticing. Tahliah Debrett Barnett, better known as FKA twigs, knows this feeling well. On her last album, the otherworldly MAGDALENE, she explored the deepest crevices of... Continue Reading →

TOP 50 SONGS OF 2021

I didn't lie in my last post — here is a veryyy delayed top 50 songs of 2021 playlist. 😅 I could explain why this is took so long to make but it'd just be a bunch of excuses; the important part is that it's here, and it's all ready to be consumed by your listening... Continue Reading →


HELLO! Yes it is I, back again with another favorite albums of the year list – you already know the drill, I can’t believe this is already my third year making one of these. 😮 But the goal is to keep it up every year so I’m glad I've been sticking to it. This one... Continue Reading →


Hiii! I'm finally back with a casual roundup after my most recent couple of more formal articles. I've definitely missed doing these, but man, they are a lot of work. For this post, I wanted to highlight a handful of albums I've been listening to lately that aren't from 2021 — although admittedly, 4/5 of... Continue Reading →

The Otherworldly Elegance of Caroline Polachek

A mystical, piercing figure in the art pop (known for its avant-garde yet distinctly pop qualities) landscape, Caroline Polachek is making a name for herself amidst contemporaries in the ever-evolving genre. When hearing her music for the first time, one might immediately notice — if not the vivid and captivating production — her soaring vocal... Continue Reading →


It's finally here -- after months of intermittent writing and a week of staying up every night until the wee hours of dawn rewriting, filming and editing -- my top 20 albums of 2020 video is finally done. It's unreasonably long but I genuinely tried to cut it down as much as I could and... Continue Reading →

TOP 50 SONGS OF 2020

Hi y'all. 👋🏼 For my last post of 2020, I wanted to do another top 50 favorite songs of the year. Unfortunately this year, I won’t be including any descriptions of my top 10 songs like I did last year -- just linking the playlist. I’ve been working hard on making another top 20 albums... Continue Reading →

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